Previously Sold:
NW PIONEER -P, AJCA JEUSA000175016066, BBR100 GT100K, PMJS B05230060, A2/B (A1/A2), Kappa Casein B/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, Beta Casein A/B, born 8/15/2023, and the son of NW Fern-P and NW Vanguard-PP. He was 21.5" at birth and 36.5" at 9 months. He's the paternal half-brother of Wren, Lumberjack, Little Bear, and countless calves by AI. He's joined a PMJS Lifetime Member's Purebred Mini Jersey herd in WV. His excellent temperament, paternal grand dam's udder traits, and dam's production are just a few of the desirable traits he's expected to pass along.
NW PIONEER -P, AJCA JEUSA000175016066, BBR100 GT100K, PMJS B05230060, A2/B (A1/A2), Kappa Casein B/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, Beta Casein A/B, born 8/15/2023, and the son of NW Fern-P and NW Vanguard-PP. He was 21.5" at birth and 36.5" at 9 months. He's the paternal half-brother of Wren, Lumberjack, Little Bear, and countless calves by AI. He's joined a PMJS Lifetime Member's Purebred Mini Jersey herd in WV. His excellent temperament, paternal grand dam's udder traits, and dam's production are just a few of the desirable traits he's expected to pass along.
NW LITTLE BEAR -P, AJCA JEUSA000174633095, BBR100 GT100K, PMJS B03220037, UC Davis-VGL PMJ22, A1/A2, Kappa Casein B/B, Beta Lactoglobulin B/B, Beta Casein A/B, the son of NW Emerald and NW Vanguard -PP. He was 22.5" at birth on 3/1/2022, 36" at a year, and 38.5" at 20 months. He's the paternal half-brother of Wren, Lumberjack, Pioneer, and countless calves by AI. He's breeding a few cows at the family homestead he's joined in WA. We're all hoping he passes on his dam's ability to milk out quickly and his paternal grand dam's level high udder, capacity, and production.
NW LITTLE BEAR -P, AJCA JEUSA000174633095, BBR100 GT100K, PMJS B03220037, UC Davis-VGL PMJ22, A1/A2, Kappa Casein B/B, Beta Lactoglobulin B/B, Beta Casein A/B, the son of NW Emerald and NW Vanguard -PP. He was 22.5" at birth on 3/1/2022, 36" at a year, and 38.5" at 20 months. He's the paternal half-brother of Wren, Lumberjack, Pioneer, and countless calves by AI. He's breeding a few cows at the family homestead he's joined in WA. We're all hoping he passes on his dam's ability to milk out quickly and his paternal grand dam's level high udder, capacity, and production.
NW THISTLE -P, AJCA JEUSA000173994551 {1}, BBR100 GT45K, PMJS V02200004, A2/B (A1/A2), Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, is the daughter of NW Fern and TDH Dino Smurf. She's the dam of Justice, full sister to Lilac, Flora and Fauna, and maternal sister to Pioneer. She's Midsize, with a stunning udder for hand-milking, long torso, and superb conformation. Thistle joined NW Star Garnet in CA on a multi-generational family ranch. We're flattered that they jumped on the opportunity to have another of our cows. They appreciate the security of getting cows from a regularly tested, disease-free herd.
NW THISTLE -P, AJCA JEUSA000173994551 {1}, BBR100 GT45K, PMJS V02200004, A2/B (A1/A2), Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, is the daughter of NW Fern and TDH Dino Smurf. She's the dam of Justice, full sister to Lilac, Flora and Fauna, and maternal sister to Pioneer. She's Midsize, with a stunning udder for hand-milking, long torso, and superb conformation. Thistle joined NW Star Garnet in CA on a multi-generational family ranch. We're flattered that they jumped on the opportunity to have another of our cows. They appreciate the security of getting cows from a regularly tested, disease-free herd.
NW VANGUARD -PP, AJCA JEUSA000174041742, BBR100 GT100K, PMJS G02200010, UC Davis-VGL PMJ4, A2/A2, out of NW Willow and sired by Sunshine Acres Loyal. He is the paternal brother of Emil, Lazarus, and Little King Kong, all bred by Misty Morning Farm, and maternal brother to Raising Arrows Aspen, who now resides at North Woods Homestead. That's right, we love Vanguard so much that we bought his sister who was isred by Emil. Their dam, Willow, is 44.5" and smaller than all of the other Loyal sired AI bulls. Heifer-sorted AI straws are available. Vanguard is the first Purebred Mini Jersey bull collected for AI with BBR100 from the 100K Genomic Test. He's virile, has wonderful conformation, a mellow temperament, and generations of grain-free genetics. He's sired many tiny calves in the 20" to 24" range, several from standard Jerseys. He was 20.25" at birth and 40.75" at 3+ years. Vanguard is the herd sire at Ever Green Acres, bringing our quality dairy traits, including A2/A2, homozygous Polled, and grain-free genetics to Canada. We're very proud of him and the calves he's produced. We've retained his son, NW Lumberjack-P, as a future AI sire.
NW VANGUARD -PP, AJCA JEUSA000174041742, BBR100 GT100K, PMJS G02200010, UC Davis-VGL PMJ4, A2/A2, out of NW Willow and sired by Sunshine Acres Loyal. He is the paternal brother of Emil, Lazarus, and Little King Kong, all bred by Misty Morning Farm, and maternal brother to Raising Arrows Aspen, who now resides at North Woods Homestead. That's right, we love Vanguard so much that we bought his sister who was isred by Emil. Their dam, Willow, is 44.5" and smaller than all of the other Loyal sired AI bulls. Heifer-sorted AI straws are available. Vanguard is the first Purebred Mini Jersey bull collected for AI with BBR100 from the 100K Genomic Test. He's virile, has wonderful conformation, a mellow temperament, and generations of grain-free genetics. He's sired many tiny calves in the 20" to 24" range, several from standard Jerseys. He was 20.25" at birth and 40.75" at 3+ years. Vanguard is the herd sire at Ever Green Acres, bringing our quality dairy traits, including A2/A2, homozygous Polled, and grain-free genetics to Canada. We're very proud of him and the calves he's produced. We've retained his son, NW Lumberjack-P, as a future AI sire.
NW AUTUMN -P, AJCA JEUSA000173533039 {1}, BBR90 GT45K, PMJS Z01180002, IMCBR6845, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, is the dam of NW Renegade. She's the daughter of NW Joe Brook Shoun and Rush Farms Kristoff. Autumn is 41.5" at 5 years and has joined the homestead of a PMJS Lifetime Member in MT to provide A2/A2 milk for her family. She's got a new friend, Mable, to keep her company. We look forward to seeing her genetics utilized to grow Purebred Mini Jerseys.
NW AUTUMN -P, AJCA JEUSA000173533039 {1}, BBR90 GT45K, PMJS Z01180002, IMCBR6845, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, is the dam of NW Renegade. She's the daughter of NW Joe Brook Shoun and Rush Farms Kristoff. Autumn is 41.5" at 5 years and has joined the homestead of a PMJS Lifetime Member in MT to provide A2/A2 milk for her family. She's got a new friend, Mable, to keep her company. We look forward to seeing her genetics utilized to grow Purebred Mini Jerseys.
A1/A2, A/B, A/B, is the paternal brother of Wren and Little Bear. He's Thistle's son and Fern's grandson. Justice was 22" at birth and is going to finish Midsize. He's gone to a homestead in OR where he'll produce all Polled calves and add our quality dairy traits to a mixed herd of Dexter Cattle and Jerseys. He has very nice conformation and is a sweet boy. We expect he'll add length, rib-spring, a strong topline, and well placed thurl in addition to putting Thistle's lovely udder on his daughters.
A1/A2, A/B, A/B, is the paternal brother of Wren and Little Bear. He's Thistle's son and Fern's grandson. Justice was 22" at birth and is going to finish Midsize. He's gone to a homestead in OR where he'll produce all Polled calves and add our quality dairy traits to a mixed herd of Dexter Cattle and Jerseys. He has very nice conformation and is a sweet boy. We expect he'll add length, rib-spring, a strong topline, and well placed thurl in addition to putting Thistle's lovely udder on his daughters.
NW BLAZING EMBER, AJCA JEUSA000174632209{1} BBR100 GT100K, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin B/B, was 22" at birth.. She's Lilac, Thistle, Flora, Fauna, and Pioneer's maternal sister by NW Fern, and paternal half sister to Renegade and Grizzly Bear by South House Dapper Dan. She went to a PMJS Lifetime Member to be an educational ambassador at JL Bar Ranch, Resort & Spa in TX. Ember will be adored by worldwide visitors to the 5-star resort and provide milk for the chef and fine dining venues on-site.
NW BLAZING EMBER, AJCA JEUSA000174632209{1} BBR100 GT100K, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin B/B, was 22" at birth.. She's Lilac, Thistle, Flora, Fauna, and Pioneer's maternal sister by NW Fern, and paternal half sister to Renegade and Grizzly Bear by South House Dapper Dan. She went to a PMJS Lifetime Member to be an educational ambassador at JL Bar Ranch, Resort & Spa in TX. Ember will be adored by worldwide visitors to the 5-star resort and provide milk for the chef and fine dining venues on-site.
NW GRIZZLY BEAR -PP, AJCA JEUSA000174675741, BBR100 GT100K, A2/A2, is the paternal brother of Blazing Ember and Renegade. He's Lilac's son and Fern's grandson. Grizzly was 24.5" at birth and is going to finish Midsize. He went to a homestead in Idaho where he's bringing our quality dairy traits, including A2, Polled, and grain-free genetics, to a mixed herd. He's got his dam's mellow temperament that should serve them well into the next generation.
NW GRIZZLY BEAR -PP, AJCA JEUSA000174675741, BBR100 GT100K, A2/A2, is the paternal brother of Blazing Ember and Renegade. He's Lilac's son and Fern's grandson. Grizzly was 24.5" at birth and is going to finish Midsize. He went to a homestead in Idaho where he's bringing our quality dairy traits, including A2, Polled, and grain-free genetics, to a mixed herd. He's got his dam's mellow temperament that should serve them well into the next generation.
NW ARCTIC WOLF -PP, AJCA JEUSA000174440569, PMJS B03210028, BBR88 GT100K, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin B/B. Wolf is the son of NW Star Garnet and Riverview Gene. Gene is one of the earliest recognized Mini Jersey bulls. Wolf is the namesake of a long-time friend of Lorinda's from High School. We're happy to see "Arctic Wolf" carried on in the pedigrees of Copper Tree Farm as they build their Purebred Mini Jersey program using our grass-fed, grain-free dairy lines.
NW ARCTIC WOLF -PP, AJCA JEUSA000174440569, PMJS B03210028, BBR88 GT100K, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin B/B. Wolf is the son of NW Star Garnet and Riverview Gene. Gene is one of the earliest recognized Mini Jersey bulls. Wolf is the namesake of a long-time friend of Lorinda's from High School. We're happy to see "Arctic Wolf" carried on in the pedigrees of Copper Tree Farm as they build their Purebred Mini Jersey program using our grass-fed, grain-free dairy lines.
NW AURORA BOREALIS -P, AJCA JEUSA000173869444 {1}, BBR100 GT45K, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/A, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, is the dam of NW Wren, full sister to Scout, and paternal sister to our numerous TDH Dino Smurf calves. She's the daughter of Kloppe Formidable 2790 "Bella". She's Midsize with a gorgeous udder. Aurora went to a homestead in ID where she's providing safe raw milk for their extended family. She's affectionate and making friends with pigs, sheep, Livestock Guardian Dogs, horses, and donkeys.
NW AURORA BOREALIS -P, AJCA JEUSA000173869444 {1}, BBR100 GT45K, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/A, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, is the dam of NW Wren, full sister to Scout, and paternal sister to our numerous TDH Dino Smurf calves. She's the daughter of Kloppe Formidable 2790 "Bella". She's Midsize with a gorgeous udder. Aurora went to a homestead in ID where she's providing safe raw milk for their extended family. She's affectionate and making friends with pigs, sheep, Livestock Guardian Dogs, horses, and donkeys.
NW STAR GARNET -P, AJCA JEUSA000173868265 {1}, BBR100 GT45K, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin B/B, is the dam of Arctic Wolf, maternal sister to Autumn, paternal sister to our numerous TDH Dino Smurf calves. She's the daughter of NW Brook and granddaughter to Goodsell Andy Betsy. She's Midsize with a gorgeous udder and conformation. Garnet went to a family in CA where she's providing them food security. She's got a wonderful temperament and is their "dream cow in every way!"
NW STAR GARNET -P, AJCA JEUSA000173868265 {1}, BBR100 GT45K, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin B/B, is the dam of Arctic Wolf, maternal sister to Autumn, paternal sister to our numerous TDH Dino Smurf calves. She's the daughter of NW Brook and granddaughter to Goodsell Andy Betsy. She's Midsize with a gorgeous udder and conformation. Garnet went to a family in CA where she's providing them food security. She's got a wonderful temperament and is their "dream cow in every way!"
NW FAUNA -P-ET, AJCA JEUSA000174326731 {1}, BBR89 GT100K, A1/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, was an embryo transferred from NW Fern. She's Lilac, Thistle and Flora's full sister, and paternal half sister to Willow, Garnet and Aurora by TDH Dino Smurf. She went to be the first livestock on an Arizona homestead where she'll be adored by the couple's 10 grandchildren. Fauna loves to get kisses and give snuggles. She's going to be so spoiled with irrigated pasture, Pecan trees, Mulberry trees for shade and snacking, afternoon breezes through the valley and walks around the acreage.
NW FAUNA -P-ET, AJCA JEUSA000174326731 {1}, BBR89 GT100K, A1/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, was an embryo transferred from NW Fern. She's Lilac, Thistle and Flora's full sister, and paternal half sister to Willow, Garnet and Aurora by TDH Dino Smurf. She went to be the first livestock on an Arizona homestead where she'll be adored by the couple's 10 grandchildren. Fauna loves to get kisses and give snuggles. She's going to be so spoiled with irrigated pasture, Pecan trees, Mulberry trees for shade and snacking, afternoon breezes through the valley and walks around the acreage.
NW EMERALD EVERGREEN, AJCA JEUSA000173869435 {2}, BBR100 GT45K, A2/B, Kappa Casein B/B, Beta Lactoglobulin B/B., sired by Chilli Action COLTON-ET, out of NW Emerald, half-sister to NW Meadow, carrying a calf sired by a historic New Zealand bull. She's gone to a local homestead to provide the best milk for making cheese. Evergreen has the most affectionate personality! Her new family has lots of kids to love on. We love hearing that she's happy and loved in return. She's being spoiled rotten and it's everything we hoped to find for her.
NW EMERALD EVERGREEN, AJCA JEUSA000173869435 {2}, BBR100 GT45K, A2/B, Kappa Casein B/B, Beta Lactoglobulin B/B., sired by Chilli Action COLTON-ET, out of NW Emerald, half-sister to NW Meadow, carrying a calf sired by a historic New Zealand bull. She's gone to a local homestead to provide the best milk for making cheese. Evergreen has the most affectionate personality! Her new family has lots of kids to love on. We love hearing that she's happy and loved in return. She's being spoiled rotten and it's everything we hoped to find for her.
NW WILLOW -P, AJCA JEUSA000173317004 {1}, PMJS Z0118009, IMCBR 6683, BBR100 GT45K, A2/B, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, 22" at birth, 44.5" at 3 yrs. Dam to NW Vanguard, maternal sister to Fern and paternal sister to many Dino-sired calves here. She's joined a small Raw Milk dairy in Idaho where she's giving 4.5 gallons in her first month of her second lactation. She's a wonderful blessing to their large family, providing disease-free milk for drinking, cheesemaking and herd-share dairy revenue.
NW WILLOW -P, AJCA JEUSA000173317004 {1}, PMJS Z0118009, IMCBR 6683, BBR100 GT45K, A2/B, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, 22" at birth, 44.5" at 3 yrs. Dam to NW Vanguard, maternal sister to Fern and paternal sister to many Dino-sired calves here. She's joined a small Raw Milk dairy in Idaho where she's giving 4.5 gallons in her first month of her second lactation. She's a wonderful blessing to their large family, providing disease-free milk for drinking, cheesemaking and herd-share dairy revenue.
NW JOE BROOK SHOUN, AJCA JEUSA000119939640 {4}, BBR 100 GT45K, A2/A2, Kappa Casein B/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, Beta Casein A/A, is Dam to NW Autumn and NW Star Garnet. She's carries the name Shoun to honor the brothers that had a dairy on the land we now homestead. She's gone with Bella to a Raw Milk Cow-Share Dairy in Montana to provide healthy A2 Raw Milk, thought to be the healthiest milk protein available.
NW JOE BROOK SHOUN, AJCA JEUSA000119939640 {4}, BBR 100 GT45K, A2/A2, Kappa Casein B/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, Beta Casein A/A, is Dam to NW Autumn and NW Star Garnet. She's carries the name Shoun to honor the brothers that had a dairy on the land we now homestead. She's gone with Bella to a Raw Milk Cow-Share Dairy in Montana to provide healthy A2 Raw Milk, thought to be the healthiest milk protein available.
KLOPPE FORMIDABLE 2790 "BELLA", AJCA JE840003134194145, BBR100 GT45K, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, Beta Casein A/A, is Dam to NW Scout and NW Aurora Borealis. She came to us from MO and gave us two pretty Midsize calves. She's gone with Brook to a Raw Milk Cow-Share Dairy in Montana where she's visited by many taking her natural cheesemaking classes. Allison is on staff with ATTRA so we know the cows are in good hands!
KLOPPE FORMIDABLE 2790 "BELLA", AJCA JE840003134194145, BBR100 GT45K, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, Beta Lactoglobulin A/B, Beta Casein A/A, is Dam to NW Scout and NW Aurora Borealis. She came to us from MO and gave us two pretty Midsize calves. She's gone with Brook to a Raw Milk Cow-Share Dairy in Montana where she's visited by many taking her natural cheesemaking classes. Allison is on staff with ATTRA so we know the cows are in good hands!
NW EMERALD MEADOW -P, AJCA JEUSA000173181698 {1} BBR 100, IMCBR6233, A1/A2, Kappa Casein B/E, Beta Lactoglobulin B/B, Beta Casein A/B, is Emerald's first calf and Evergreen's maternal half sister. She's a paternal half sister to Fern by Little Firecracker. She went to an Idaho homestead in hopes she will replace their current milk cow. Her sweet even temperament makes her easy to work with and have around. We're all hoping she settles soon to their bull and provides them with a calf and milk in the near future.
NW EMERALD MEADOW -P, AJCA JEUSA000173181698 {1} BBR 100, IMCBR6233, A1/A2, Kappa Casein B/E, Beta Lactoglobulin B/B, Beta Casein A/B, is Emerald's first calf and Evergreen's maternal half sister. She's a paternal half sister to Fern by Little Firecracker. She went to an Idaho homestead in hopes she will replace their current milk cow. Her sweet even temperament makes her easy to work with and have around. We're all hoping she settles soon to their bull and provides them with a calf and milk in the near future.
LILE'AS EARA -P, means "Lily From the East", and Fearghas, means "Man of Vigor". They joined The Farmstead Festival and Corn Maze in southern ID. She's a selective cross of a traditional size Scottish Highland bull over a Miniature Belted Galloway cow. Fearghas was sired by a 39" Mini Highland bull. We look forward to visiting them there someday and hope the Farmstead visitors enjoy them for years to come.
LILE'AS EARA -P, means "Lily From the East", and Fearghas, means "Man of Vigor". They joined The Farmstead Festival and Corn Maze in southern ID. She's a selective cross of a traditional size Scottish Highland bull over a Miniature Belted Galloway cow. Fearghas was sired by a 39" Mini Highland bull. We look forward to visiting them there someday and hope the Farmstead visitors enjoy them for years to come.
NW SCOUT -P, IMCBR6684, Fawn bull calf, 24.5", A2/A2, UC Davis NC46810, 46 pounds at birth, expected to be under 42". He was only 31" when measured at 5 months. Scout is out of Kloppe Formidable 2790, "Bella", and sired by TDH Dino Smurf, he's a full sibling to Aurora Borealis. He sired several calves in UT as part of a Purebred Mini Jersey breeding program. He has the genetics to be tiny and pass on high production.
NW SCOUT -P, IMCBR6684, Fawn bull calf, 24.5", A2/A2, UC Davis NC46810, 46 pounds at birth, expected to be under 42". He was only 31" when measured at 5 months. Scout is out of Kloppe Formidable 2790, "Bella", and sired by TDH Dino Smurf, he's a full sibling to Aurora Borealis. He sired several calves in UT as part of a Purebred Mini Jersey breeding program. He has the genetics to be tiny and pass on high production.
NW BLIZZARD -P, IMCBR6681, Broken-coat brown bull calf, 22.5" and 36 pounds at birth, expected to be near 42", A1/A2, UC Davis NC29006. We're excited he's gone to MT as a herd sire. We're very proud to claim Blizzard as a product of our 100% pure Mini Jersey breeding operation. Blizzard is out of NW Snowflake Flurry and sired by TDH Dino Smurf.
NW BLIZZARD -P, IMCBR6681, Broken-coat brown bull calf, 22.5" and 36 pounds at birth, expected to be near 42", A1/A2, UC Davis NC29006. We're excited he's gone to MT as a herd sire. We're very proud to claim Blizzard as a product of our 100% pure Mini Jersey breeding operation. Blizzard is out of NW Snowflake Flurry and sired by TDH Dino Smurf.
NW STAG -P, IMCBR6682, Broken-coat fawn bull calf, expected to be Midsize, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, UC Davis NC29115, is out of Goodsell Andy Betsy, sibling to NW Brook and sired by TDH Dino Smurf. He's well built with a straight topline and excellent conformation. He's going to make some perfect milky calves for his lucky new herd in MT.
NW STAG -P, IMCBR6682, Broken-coat fawn bull calf, expected to be Midsize, A2/A2, Kappa Casein A/B, UC Davis NC29115, is out of Goodsell Andy Betsy, sibling to NW Brook and sired by TDH Dino Smurf. He's well built with a straight topline and excellent conformation. He's going to make some perfect milky calves for his lucky new herd in MT.
BÉBINN EARA -P, pronounced: Bay-Vin Ay-Rah, means "Fair Lady From the East". She's a selective cross of a traditional size Scottish Highland bull over a Miniature Belted Galloway cow. These complimentary breeds are known for easy calving, foraging ability, a double coat for winter hardiness, parasite resistance, and high butterfat. This compact beef cross could be used as a dual purpose cow, providing bull calves and milk for the table. Bebinn loves attention, and will do anything for food or the brush. She came to us from TN but is staying in ID to be a pampered pet.
BÉBINN EARA -P, pronounced: Bay-Vin Ay-Rah, means "Fair Lady From the East". She's a selective cross of a traditional size Scottish Highland bull over a Miniature Belted Galloway cow. These complimentary breeds are known for easy calving, foraging ability, a double coat for winter hardiness, parasite resistance, and high butterfat. This compact beef cross could be used as a dual purpose cow, providing bull calves and milk for the table. Bebinn loves attention, and will do anything for food or the brush. She came to us from TN but is staying in ID to be a pampered pet.
GOODSELL ANDY BETSY, AJCA JEUSA000119280139 {3} BBR 100, A2/A2, Kappa Casein BB, Beta Lactoglobulin AB, Beta Casein AA, is Dam to NW Brook and NW Stag. She's a wonderful mother and very affectionate and friendly. She called to us from across the farm and loved for us to lay back against her in the sunny pasture. She's gone to a Raw Milk Cow Share Dairy in Montana to provide healthy A2 Raw Milk, thought to be the healthiest milk protein available.
GOODSELL ANDY BETSY, AJCA JEUSA000119280139 {3} BBR 100, A2/A2, Kappa Casein BB, Beta Lactoglobulin AB, Beta Casein AA, is Dam to NW Brook and NW Stag. She's a wonderful mother and very affectionate and friendly. She called to us from across the farm and loved for us to lay back against her in the sunny pasture. She's gone to a Raw Milk Cow Share Dairy in Montana to provide healthy A2 Raw Milk, thought to be the healthiest milk protein available.
NW SNOWFLAKE FLURRY, AJCA JEUSA000173128497 {1} BBR100 GT9K, IMCBR6106, A1/A2, Kappa Casein BB, Beta Lactoglobulin AB, Beta Casein AA, is Buttercup's second calf and Munchkin's half sister. She's half sister by her sire, Toro, to NW Emerald and NW Ruby. She had a gorgeous bull calf, NW Blizzard. She went to an Idaho homestead to be the companion to a Midsize Jersey. She's been a pro in the stanchion since day one and blew us away with her beautiful udder and 3 gallons a day without making a mess or lifting a foot.
NW SNOWFLAKE FLURRY, AJCA JEUSA000173128497 {1} BBR100 GT9K, IMCBR6106, A1/A2, Kappa Casein BB, Beta Lactoglobulin AB, Beta Casein AA, is Buttercup's second calf and Munchkin's half sister. She's half sister by her sire, Toro, to NW Emerald and NW Ruby. She had a gorgeous bull calf, NW Blizzard. She went to an Idaho homestead to be the companion to a Midsize Jersey. She's been a pro in the stanchion since day one and blew us away with her beautiful udder and 3 gallons a day without making a mess or lifting a foot.
MUNCHKIN -P, IMCBR6137, is Buttercup's first calf and Snowflake Flurry's maternal half sister. Both her dam and sire, DC Todd (IMCBR4412, MJHB057), have some big names in Miniature Jersey breeding. She's a sweet little princess, always eager to be the center of attention. She loves being scratched and brushed all over. She will stick her tail nearly straight up when you rub her udder! We think she's going to make her new family in California a wonderful family milk cow.
MUNCHKIN -P, IMCBR6137, is Buttercup's first calf and Snowflake Flurry's maternal half sister. Both her dam and sire, DC Todd (IMCBR4412, MJHB057), have some big names in Miniature Jersey breeding. She's a sweet little princess, always eager to be the center of attention. She loves being scratched and brushed all over. She will stick her tail nearly straight up when you rub her udder! We think she's going to make her new family in California a wonderful family milk cow.
BUTTERCUP- P, IMCBR6103, our first Miniature Jersey, was three years old and bred with her first calf, a heifer we named Munchkin, when she came to live with us. She's sweet and friendly, with the most adorable white tail switch! Snowflake Flurry, Buttercup's second heifer, inherited her star marking. Her new family is eager to spoil her and welcome her third calf due Nov. 2017. Buttercup is a dream come true for this New Mexico homesteading family.
BUTTERCUP- P, IMCBR6103, our first Miniature Jersey, was three years old and bred with her first calf, a heifer we named Munchkin, when she came to live with us. She's sweet and friendly, with the most adorable white tail switch! Snowflake Flurry, Buttercup's second heifer, inherited her star marking. Her new family is eager to spoil her and welcome her third calf due Nov. 2017. Buttercup is a dream come true for this New Mexico homesteading family.
CREME CARAMEL (Cara) went to a young family working towards self-sustainability on 180 acres in Colorado. She gave them a heifer by Wellington later that Summer. Cara is the first calf born to Buttermilk, a half sister to Crème Brulee and Emerald, and the granddaughter of Sweet Cream. She's somewhat shy but an excellent mother to Ruby and affectionate to our Livestock Guardian Dogs. Early in her lactation she tandem nursed Ruby and Emerald. Her training will serve her new family well as their first family milk cow.
CREME CARAMEL (Cara) went to a young family working towards self-sustainability on 180 acres in Colorado. She gave them a heifer by Wellington later that Summer. Cara is the first calf born to Buttermilk, a half sister to Crème Brulee and Emerald, and the granddaughter of Sweet Cream. She's somewhat shy but an excellent mother to Ruby and affectionate to our Livestock Guardian Dogs. Early in her lactation she tandem nursed Ruby and Emerald. Her training will serve her new family well as their first family milk cow.
BUTTERMILK is the Dam of Crème Caramel and Emerald. She tandem nursed Caramel and Crème Brule (her half sister by the same Dam) early in her first lactation, later nursing Toro, then Wellington. She went to a long-time milkmaid in Kansas and is the pasture companion to a cow and calf. Buttermilk left our homestead fresh in her second lactation and rebred to Wellington. She was one of our original two Jersey cows and the beginning of Lorinda's obsession.
BUTTERMILK is the Dam of Crème Caramel and Emerald. She tandem nursed Caramel and Crème Brule (her half sister by the same Dam) early in her first lactation, later nursing Toro, then Wellington. She went to a long-time milkmaid in Kansas and is the pasture companion to a cow and calf. Buttermilk left our homestead fresh in her second lactation and rebred to Wellington. She was one of our original two Jersey cows and the beginning of Lorinda's obsession.
CREME BRULEE (Caramel's half sister by the same Sire) went to a family living off-grid in Missouri with young children. Brulee is an integral part of their lifestyle. They make cheeses, yogurt, and butter with her milk. She arrived there expecting her first calf in about five more months, having been bred to Toro. She delivered a gorgeous heifer and has been a wonderful mother, readily standing to nurse and be milked.
CREME BRULEE (Caramel's half sister by the same Sire) went to a family living off-grid in Missouri with young children. Brulee is an integral part of their lifestyle. They make cheeses, yogurt, and butter with her milk. She arrived there expecting her first calf in about five more months, having been bred to Toro. She delivered a gorgeous heifer and has been a wonderful mother, readily standing to nurse and be milked.
SWEET CREAM is the Dam of Buttermilk and Crème Brulee and one of our original two cows. She went to a rancher's wife in Kansas. Lorinda was just learning to milk and two Jerseys in top production was too much! Sweetie was the more patient milker and in her second lactation. She easily gave 3 gallons of milk a day, with a quart of cream per gallon. She was affectionate and gentle, allowing us to give milking lessons to the children who toured our homestead.
SWEET CREAM is the Dam of Buttermilk and Crème Brulee and one of our original two cows. She went to a rancher's wife in Kansas. Lorinda was just learning to milk and two Jerseys in top production was too much! Sweetie was the more patient milker and in her second lactation. She easily gave 3 gallons of milk a day, with a quart of cream per gallon. She was affectionate and gentle, allowing us to give milking lessons to the children who toured our homestead.
Lance and Lorinda Barnes
North Woods Homestead
Priest River, Idaho
North Woods Homestead
Priest River, Idaho
God made the beasts of the earth after their kind,
and the cattle after their kind,
and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind;
and god saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:25
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All text and images are sole property of North Woods Homestead, LLC,
and cannot be used without written permission.
All text and images are sole property of North Woods Homestead, LLC,
and cannot be used without written permission.
Copyright 2010-2024 North Woods Homestead, LLC, all rights reserved.
All text and images are sole property of North Woods Homestead, LLC,
and cannot be used without written permission.
All text and images are sole property of North Woods Homestead, LLC,
and cannot be used without written permission.
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